Martes, Marso 20, 2012


This course will study representative plays from each period of Shakespeare's career, including histories, tragedies, and comedies. Through close analysis of these plays both on the page and on the stage the course will aim to develop an appreciation of the richness of Shakespeare's theatrical art, in its powerful marriage of words and images. Attendance at productions of Shakespeare both in Stafford and in London, including at the newly built replica of the Globe in Southward, will be central to our study.

I. The Isles of My Portfolio in English 121 (Writing in the Discipline)

Chapter 1 - Avoiding Sentence Errors
Chapter 2 - Levels of Usage
Chapter 3 - Verb Usage
Chapter 4 - Pronoun Usage
Chapter 5 - Subject and Verb Agreement
Chapter 6 - Pronoun and Antecedent Agreement
Chapter 7 - Adjective and adverb Usage
Chapter 8 - Miscellaneous Problems in Usage

II. Students Outputs of E-Portfolio

III. Writing in the Discipline as a Platform in Education for Sustainable Development

Writing in the Disciplines is related to, but not the same as Writing Across the Curriculum.  Because the literate experiences that are part of the college curriculum are frequently related directly and indirectly to disciplinary literate practices, Writing in the Disciplines can provide helpful clues about how writing may be supported throughout the undergraduate curriculum; nonetheless, educational institutions, organization of curriculum, the variety of student goals, and other educational priorities make undergraduate writing distinct from the writing produced by professionals in the disciplines.  Much of the writing demands of graduate education, however, may be viewed as apprenticeship to disciplinary practices.
            Because academic disciplines are highly structured social formations, readily available to researchers, Writing in the Disciplines is a major research site for the wider study of how  literate practices are socially located and institutionally organized, and provides many of the cases for the understanding of Discourse Community  and other literate social formations. Thus it is at the forefront of socially-oriented rhetorical research and theory. 

IV. Reflection in English 121

"God is my shepherd"  As  I have started this subject English 121 i know that this is not easy.I experienced oral recitation and reporting in front of my classmate and to our Instructor.I learn more about this subject especially when you use English language to other people and know how  to speak with some people.English is very important,because as a Filipino that is our language in other country..Well,i can say that this is not an easy subject,but I'll try my best to learn more about this subject .In the end of our class i know that English is very important,because we can use it in our society.

V. Integration of Education for Sustainable Development to English 121

In English 121 the student learn how to write in correct manner and in correct grammar. Every words, phrases, and clauses has a different function depending on how they are use or write. The student needs to learn those things in order for him to be GLOBALLY COMPETITIVE enhance himself in speaking and writing the English language. Many people use English language in a wrong manner, so it is important for us students to learn the English language.